In Frankfurt there are a discussion to bicycle parking garages. Fritz Biel ADFC Frankfurt arguments and needs in an article summarizes "current Frankfurt" in together. They can also be on the bike park use at the train station:
"The creation of safer and more easily accessible parking spaces for bicycles in sufficient numbers - and as close as possible to the target - is one of the most important tasks of the cycle promotion is on high-traffic locations. It can however also a difficult one. Although bicycles require only a fraction of the space needed for parking a car is a conflict.
From the perspective of the urbanity of a city anything Better pass than that their citizens are traveling by bicycle instead of driving. to reach its destination directly and not worry of having to just get rid of his vehicle until you need it again, this is one of the main reasons why people opt for the bike. Can not always place where all want to go, provide adequate bicycle parking. Even if space permits, one must accept that there are from an urban planning point of view very attractive locations for better use of opportunities as they make full of bicycles.
There is also no solution, garages shown where they have no one wants. Cyclists are in terms of routes and carry baggage, just as easily as other road users. Now it is to park his bicycle so far depend on the designation of parking spaces. The parking of bicycles in the public space belongs to the so-called "public use". As long as no one can obstruct, endanger or restrict in any other of his rights, one can park his bike, where ever you want.
Who does not want the free parking of bicycles is rampant, should be time to think about a range of alternative offers. Bicycle parking garages could - properly designed, built and operated - are such an offer. This to be observed some. Construction and operation of bicycle parking facilities cost money. You must be comfortably usable. drag bikes down stairs is not enough there. The willingness to pay for their use of money, moving experience, but within narrow limits. Not every cyclist is willing to use a bicycle parking garage. Only he who calls his own a relatively expensive bike and who wants to bring this for a long time, the effort in your portfolio. That limits the audience.
provides the public streets in general, the social control for a minimum of security of parked bikes, at least during the day. This is not the case in closed rooms. Bicycle parking garages make sense only if the parked bikes are guarded and with long opening times. That does not make things cheaper. Bicycle parking garages need a certain size to be used to stay viable, but then it works out long term only if the revenues are generated not only from the parking fees. It does so also other services. This brings us to the question of the operator. Where the market alone does not provide a solution, the public sector is required. This also applies to car parking facilities otherwise. In Frankfurt, the project would "Bike Point" of the International Confederation of a possible operator available, the best for his Integration work of young unemployed people experiencing public support and the necessary know-how has to offer beyond just guarding the bikes also paid services. The Frankfurter Velotaxi Board finds the idea to integrate with your services as a permanent tenant in cooperation with bike-Point in a bicycle parking garage very appealing. Passengers and tourists were there a direct point of contact.
Why now?
The very encouraging increase in inner-city cycling draws attention to the fact that the supply of bicycle parking spaces despite the laudable efforts are not already adequately is.
is the case of the upcoming redesign of the main station and Konstablerwache at two focal points of urban traffic situation, the possibility of integrating such a cycle park. The same also for the station, where the plans for the reconstruction of the station forecourt and the underlying B-level begin to emerge. No one can
without expert examination of the situation at the three sites to say whether the perspective is described to implement. The ADFC is therefore proposing that the City Council authorized a relevantly experienced planning office to provide an analysis of whether and under what conditions the three sites of operation a bicycle parking garage would be appropriate and possible. It should also be included opportunities arising from the discussion for both inner-city locations buildings to create modified urban area edges (M112/10).
The outlined opportunities come so in the foreseeable future again. They should therefore not be wasted.
That at least is the opinion of
From the perspective of the urbanity of a city anything Better pass than that their citizens are traveling by bicycle instead of driving. to reach its destination directly and not worry of having to just get rid of his vehicle until you need it again, this is one of the main reasons why people opt for the bike. Can not always place where all want to go, provide adequate bicycle parking. Even if space permits, one must accept that there are from an urban planning point of view very attractive locations for better use of opportunities as they make full of bicycles.
There is also no solution, garages shown where they have no one wants. Cyclists are in terms of routes and carry baggage, just as easily as other road users. Now it is to park his bicycle so far depend on the designation of parking spaces. The parking of bicycles in the public space belongs to the so-called "public use". As long as no one can obstruct, endanger or restrict in any other of his rights, one can park his bike, where ever you want.
Who does not want the free parking of bicycles is rampant, should be time to think about a range of alternative offers. Bicycle parking garages could - properly designed, built and operated - are such an offer. This to be observed some. Construction and operation of bicycle parking facilities cost money. You must be comfortably usable. drag bikes down stairs is not enough there. The willingness to pay for their use of money, moving experience, but within narrow limits. Not every cyclist is willing to use a bicycle parking garage. Only he who calls his own a relatively expensive bike and who wants to bring this for a long time, the effort in your portfolio. That limits the audience.
provides the public streets in general, the social control for a minimum of security of parked bikes, at least during the day. This is not the case in closed rooms. Bicycle parking garages make sense only if the parked bikes are guarded and with long opening times. That does not make things cheaper. Bicycle parking garages need a certain size to be used to stay viable, but then it works out long term only if the revenues are generated not only from the parking fees. It does so also other services. This brings us to the question of the operator. Where the market alone does not provide a solution, the public sector is required. This also applies to car parking facilities otherwise. In Frankfurt, the project would "Bike Point" of the International Confederation of a possible operator available, the best for his Integration work of young unemployed people experiencing public support and the necessary know-how has to offer beyond just guarding the bikes also paid services. The Frankfurter Velotaxi Board finds the idea to integrate with your services as a permanent tenant in cooperation with bike-Point in a bicycle parking garage very appealing. Passengers and tourists were there a direct point of contact.
Why now?
The very encouraging increase in inner-city cycling draws attention to the fact that the supply of bicycle parking spaces despite the laudable efforts are not already adequately is.
is the case of the upcoming redesign of the main station and Konstablerwache at two focal points of urban traffic situation, the possibility of integrating such a cycle park. The same also for the station, where the plans for the reconstruction of the station forecourt and the underlying B-level begin to emerge. No one can
without expert examination of the situation at the three sites to say whether the perspective is described to implement. The ADFC is therefore proposing that the City Council authorized a relevantly experienced planning office to provide an analysis of whether and under what conditions the three sites of operation a bicycle parking garage would be appropriate and possible. It should also be included opportunities arising from the discussion for both inner-city locations buildings to create modified urban area edges (M112/10).
The outlined opportunities come so in the foreseeable future again. They should therefore not be wasted.
That at least is the opinion of
Fritz Biel "