you do not study philosophy, I think. in the study of philosophy can learn what others think or have said about something, you learn a lot about philosophy and the same objects, but philosophy itself not be learned. through a study of philosophy is the same for the actual trait of the student-off adjusted so that the studies themselves are responsible, that the real love to know how they can come through philosophy expressed not in its pure original form can come to expression.
philosophy is not only opinions and methods of some people and adapt to philosophers or to analyze, but think for themselves. Herein lies the difference. know not only factual and lack of interest to dissect opinion, but find themselves in the matter to himself about to form an opinion, and even about nachtzudenken, perhaps, with some findings and thoughts of others, but self-digest without pre-digested again. can practice
philosophy and must also mean temporarily attach the idleness of being shipped but not hopeless. this is necessary so as not to get caught in their own thoughts, but to also be free of them and to learn a new perspective. in the rest of philosophy can not go according to a human or routinely done algorithmically, as well as the love of knowledge varied and not after factoring and calculated.
know, for the love also means that one can be deceived in it, and too in love to rush out of going blind and ignorance of truths, that it looks rather torn.
the philosophy can explain a man-about aspects of his own, so far in love to know the love is rooted in the truth. the only way to serve the philosophy extraegoistischen purposes. However, this may include self-knowledge, self-identify as the first step to represent a change from the outside.
so the philosophy is to serve man, but it may be in its pure form is not learned, only practiced. the love of knowledge is not always true, but may hire their art in the mistaken truth, may still love to know also mean love for truth. who can be honest to themselves, like the great treasures found in philosophy.
should not be related to philosophy, are universally valid analytical but develop in the individual himself.
not the philosophy can answer big questions To give but only approaches in the spirit that give instructions on how response might look like.
can see the philosophy alone but give no answer, or truths, seeing that each is not object, because human love, whether among themselves or to the truth and know it can never be, there must be a scale that can do that. all sciences, even if they can in the spirit of philosophy, that is literally the love of wisdom, and love of truth, to be practiced, not to speak of truth when they report their syntheses. No one has the right to name truths of his interpretations, everything can be questioned.
is there truth? yes. where to find it or who is they found? who could it? only alone, everything, even the truth, even that created wisdom to know, even the - god. may
remains for us the philosophy to say that the quest for knowledge and wisdom not to reach the same can be equated, not even. the divestment of own conclusions and other considerations may be advantageous in their hours of philosophical, yet nothing like this must be regarded as absolute truth, since it sprang from only a single thought, which itself also has no absoluteness in highly stressed. only what is called by God to be truth, may be regarded as such by us. Now do you set up his philosophical approaches to this absolute principles and true God, so your studies and the philosophy of the individual to increase only guess at, to be rediscovered by philosophers, and so his life and his philosophy can enrich.
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