The ADFC casting welcomes the decision of the Federal Administrative Court on the obligation to use cycle paths. We hope that the sentence does, and that in casting all use subject to Bike paths are checked.
initiatives to the ADFC has casting been taken and there were already repealed first use requirements, such as in Leihgesterner way in the Robert-Sommer-Straße and in the Frankfurter Strasse.
We will keep at it and now report further on the subject.
this to the press statement by the Federation ADFC:
cycling on the road is the rule
Federal Administrative Court confirms Bavarian ruling
The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has strengthened today in a landmark ruling, the basic rights of cyclists as equal road users. The court confirmed that cyclists can usually go on the road and municipalities only in exceptional cases marked bicycle paths as compulsory must. The applicant, the Chairman of the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) in Regensburg, was now in the highest administrative court against the order by an obligation to use the bike path the city of Regensburg. (Ref.: BVerwG 3 C 42.09)
The ADFC, who supported this action, focused on a general clarification of the circumstances under which an obligation to use the bike path at all could be permitted. In case the Government Regensburg unilateral joint pedestrian and cycle paths had set up beside the road and arranged by blue signs for both directions of an obligation to use. The prohibition in that provision for cyclists to ride on the road justified the city with public safety considerations.
Like the Bavarian Administrative Court, the Federal Administrative Court followed this reasoning, however, and made it clear that cycling can be characterized only as compulsory if there is due to specific local conditions, a significantly increased risk for road users (§ 45 paragraph 9 of the Road - Highway Code).
The Chairman of the 3rd Senate, said at the hearing, we must strengthen the responsibility of road users and should not force cyclists on bike paths structurally inadequate. Already since
1 September 1997 provides for the Highway Code cycling on the road as the rule, allowing it to only exceptionally, bike paths with the blue cycling sign marked as compulsory to. The Federal Administrative Court has dealt extensively with this law and the Highway Code has now interpreted correctly and consistently.
ADFC national chairman Ulrich Syberg says: "Most cities and towns in Germany have adopted Regulation until now largely ignored and marked almost all cycle tracks. After this decision is now all administrations are required to comply with applicable law "
This is right. Cyclists may, but need not
example of casting! , Leihgesterner way
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